

Almost thirty five years ago, I was riding in my friend’s truck as a passenger, when a child entered the street in a 25 mph zone of a remote section of the Big Island of Hawaii, where I was living at the time. My friend slowed down to about 5 miles an hour and then:…

Ok, So I Have Blood Deficiency, But What Does That MEAN?

Ok, So I Have Blood Deficiency, But What Does That MEAN?

My first acupuncturist helped me resolve my life-long issue of frequent urination, which I detailed in my last blog. When I first started receiving acupuncture treatments from my teacher, Dr. Lily Chang Xi Hsiang, I still had a deficient blood situation due to my weak digestive system. I was skinny as a rail (malnourished) and…

The “Pause” in Menopause 

The “Pause” in Menopause 

Many years ago, at the beginning of my personal peri-menopausal hormonal shift, I began to have symptoms that are very typical for many American women. Because of my training in Chinese medicine I knew that this was an indication of disharmony, and was therefore correctable. The most annoying symptoms at the time were hot flashes and difficulty staying asleep….