Why it is necessary to be a good detective in order to resolve migraine headaches?
The most challenging aspect of treating migraines is initially discovering the cause(s), of which there are many. A simple explanation is that migraines are caused due to a reaction to something internal within the body’s complex system, or reacting to an external influence.
Step 1: The body is exposed to some element of toxicity, internal or external.
Step 2: Blood flow is constricted as a strategy to protect the body from the toxin or allergen.
Step 3: The brain “over-reacts” to decreased blood supply by flooding area.
Step 4: Excess blood pushes on the brain directly as it can not quickly leave the area.
The detective work required for migraines is isolating what the specific stimulus is that is triggering the dramatic response. From my long term work with migraines I have seen that the following is a general list of possibilities:
- Food allergies or sensitivities.
- Excess hormones, which are cleaned up by the liver.
- Constipation, which causes the liver to take on more of it’s share of the toxic load.
- Heavy metals, which overload the liver.
- Tension headaches, which can trigger the migraine response if severe enough.
- Toxins in the environment, which overtax the elimination systems in general, but especially the liver.
- Exhaustion of the Kidney system (*1), which again, makes the liver work harder.
I keep mentioning the liver because one of it’s many jobs is to clean the blood (*2). As I stated earlier, migraines are directly related to blood flow that is altered due to toxins in the blood. There is oftentimes more than one layer involved, but the liver always plays a large part because of it’s important role in cleaning our entire body’s blood supply every night. Phew! No wonder we call it the live-r.
Probably the quickest method for getting rid of migraines is to utilize enemas or colonics (*3), as this encourages a different elimination system to remove more than it’s share of toxins, thereby lightening the load on the liver. Acupuncture is an excellent adjunct as it always directly works with the liver, no matter what the treatment strategy is. Acupuncture can also address the secondary causes that may be involved.
I personally have a chronic love-hate relationship with coffee. Recently I quit drinking coffee for (I sincerely hope!) the last time. My migraine prevention was to have an enema every day for the first 3 days after quitting, in conjunction with acupuncture. No surprise to me, it totally worked.
If you are trying to figure out, on your own, what your specific triggers for migraines are, think: “What would be the hardest thing for me to give up?”. Unfortunately, that is probably the culprit. This is because we have an elaborate coping mechanism for dealing with allergens: endorphins are created to counteract the affects. Followed by becoming addicted to said endorphins. Can you say vicious cycle? How that translates is that the things we are most interested in are probably allergens, if migraines are in the picture. The more severe the allergy, the more likely you will have migraines during usage, instead of just when it is eliminated from the system.
There are many causes for migraines and I have worked with many patients to support them in transforming this potentially very debilitating condition. Almost always the resolution requires a significant participation by the patient. That is the hard part. However, the good news is that there is a solution that works. Being pain free makes the quality of our lives so much more significant and ultimately sets the internal message: “I am worth the effort”. As we begin this new year there can be no better self message.
(*1) check out the blog article called: “where’s the bathroom?” for more details on supporting the Kidney system.
(*2) check out the blog article: ”The live in liver”.
(*3) check out colonics with Michael at ashlandgravitycolonics.com.